Hasle Refractories

Hasle castables and solutions present high lifetime characteristics in a lot of activity sectors : cement, waste and incineration, biomass, and foundry. These castables are well- known for their weak open porosity entailing important chemical resistance ( alkali resistance for instance) The precast solutions allow to reduce this weak open porosity (They may reach 6%) and are perfect to face up to the thermal issues : expansions, thermal shocks etc.

Refractory concrete

Precaste Solution

Ceramix Vortex Finder
Delta Phoenix

DELTA PHOENIX has developed specific refractory solutions allowing the installation of insulating layer , to be in direct contact with liquid metal : numerous applications in the aluminium industry, steel, iron and ferro-alloys . Their range offers light concretes with good mechanical characteristics , in order to cure the most problematic areas ( covers, hoods etc). These solutions present the advantage of low wettabilities allowing the fight agaisnt builds-up. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Cast Iron and steel

Specific Solutions
PA technologies, strong of its technology intelligence, its partners and expertise about materials and thermo mechanics, is developing specific solutions for areas submited to high temperature and extreme strenghts.

Shape pieces

